Gardening has been my new hobby, and I am very much obsess into it. I have been waiting for our sun father (when earth as mother) since Saturday. I felt myself like a mother now to take care of my plants. And I use 'babies' when talk to hubby. I can be really sad if I notice they are dying. Since then, I am no longer anxious about how dry is my skin every morning when I wake up instead; to check how well is my babies are growing. Luckily, I have a gardening guru - my mother-in-law to consult whenever I have doubts.
Today, sun is so shining, land is so brightening, birds are singing and plants are so awakening! It is about 7c outside in the balcony. Therefore, compared to seeing them grow healthy and faster, the hassle of moving them to balcony and back to house at sunset means nothing to me even though I have to do it everyday. Now let's see how my babies enjoy the kiss of the great father :)
Everybody is enjoying the splash of sun shining
The chicks love to have sun tan too. Luckily they didn't become roasted chicken
Prosperity in the (green) house

Sneak Preview

I wish our love is shining forever <3>

Reminder from Mutsi : move them only when there is sun shining in the balcony. As now is still too cold to the babies (early Spring is around 2c-7c), it is better for them to stay inside the house if there is no sunshine, even the sky is bright but the sun is hiding. It is enough to put them near to a bright window.
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